How to live in a Suitable Environment:
Choose a location that is appropriate and thriving. It should be easy to find good schools, appropriate employment and a good location for building a house and so on
Different kinds of Merits
There are two types of previously accumulated merit:
The kalyanamitra Home
The word ‘kalyanamitra’ means good friend. A good friend must have all the Seven Characteristics described previously
Social Disaster : Protection and Correction
Before inventing the measures to protect the society from the great disaster and to correct it, one must fathom the true root of the disaster
The Benefits of Staying in an Appropriate Environment:
1. Receive happiness and joy 2. Make both worldly and spiritual progress
Characteristics of an appropriate area:
We should be in a place that is in a good geographical location. In terms of geography the altitude of the land should not be too low or too high
Persons Worthy of Respect
Persons worthy of respect are those who perform good deeds as if their lives depend on it and their goodness should be remembered by us
Recall the Four Target Character Traits which will assist a person in absorbing the Positive Core Values necessary for reforming human nature and the quality of society, namely
Reforming society : Conclusions
In conclusion it can be said that the real reform that is needed to transform society for the better is reform of our own and others’ human nature
The Kalyanamitra School
A school that is a kalyanamitra School can be a school of any levels, whether it be primary, secondary